Grace and Peace


Fall Dinner Groups

 We are starting a few Dinner Groups that will get together for two or three meals between now and the end of the year. We're trying to do this relatively quickly since there's not much time left!

We already have three hosts/facilitators, which should be enough. Our goal is to have up to 10 people in each group. The point of these groups is not Bible study or in-depth discussion, necessarily; we simply want to give people an opportunity to meet and get to know other people who attend Collective Church. So the whole thing is pretty low-commitment, which will hopefully be easy to manage as we approach the holiday season.

So here's what we need from you: 

If you want to be in one of the Dinner Groups, please click this link and fill out a brief survey. This will give us enough basic information to keep you informed about the groups. We'll add your name to the list, and we'll let you know which group you're in as soon as possible. If you know of a specific group you'd like to join, that's totally okay, just let us know!


*Note: Your dinner in no way needs to look as fancy or as the picture above.

Collective Church